Bermuda. Athene adopts pension risk analytics platform from RiskFirst

Athene Holding Ltd., one of Bermuda’s leading retirement services companies, has become the first insurer to adopt PFaroe, the pension risk analytics and reporting platform from RiskFirst.

Using PFaroe’s on-demand liability and transaction price monitoring services, Athene plans to help sponsors evaluate risk and purchase annuities at the optimal time.

“We see real value in moving from monitoring liabilities and insurance prices on an ad hoc basis to a more frequent – even daily – basis,” said Sean Brennan, Head of Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) at Athene.

“Through PFaroe, plan sponsors will have up-to-date financial metrics and data, and a robust set of analysis at their fingertips, allowing them to evaluate the attractiveness of insurance pricing against those key financial metrics quickly and easily.”

The forecasting capabilities of PFaroe also provide the opportunity for plan sponsors to consider both the immediate and the long-term impact of market changes and strategic decisions on their plan.

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