March 2017

Chile. Presidente de la Asociación de AFP: Los que tienen más lucas deben ayudar a los que tienen menos

El presidente de la Asociación de AFP, Andrés Santa Cruz, se refirió en ADN Hoy a la propuesta del Gobierno de aumentar la cotización en las cuentas individuales de los trabajadores. Al respecto, el dirigente recalcó que el énfasis debe estar en "con las lucas de los que tienen más, ayudemos a los que tienen menos (...) Reasignemos y adjudiquemos bien los gastos". "La solución es ir ayuda de los que tienen más bajas pensiones, principalmente de las mujeres, a través...

February 2017

Modernized Rules for Occupational Pension Funds in Europe

On January 12, 2017, the long-awaited IORP II Directive entered into force. This will affect occupational pension schemes across all Member States in the European Economic Area. This Directive is the successor of the IORP I Directive, which dates from 2003, and includes new rules on institutions for occupational retirement provisions ("IORPs" or "pension funds"). The Directive is designed to improve the governance and transparency of IORPs across Europe, increase their use for cross-border activity, and support long-term investment...

Tom Brady should be a model for your retirement

Football fans: It may be years before you’re rid of Tom Brady — and there’s a retirement lesson for us all in that. Tom Brady — who led the New England Patriots to a stunning Super Bowl win last night — may be 39, a ripe old age for a quarterback, but he says he has no plans to retire before next season. He told Fox’s pregame show last night that there was “no way” he’d retire if he won...

Hours after Netanyahu visit, UK slams Regulation Law

The condemnation came a day after Netanyahu concluded his first visit with British Prime Minister Theresa May, during which Netanyahu declined to fully back the UK leader’s recognition of the two-state solution as the best pathway to peace. “As a longstanding friend of Israel, I condemn the passing of the Land Regularisation Bill by the Knesset, which damages Israel’s standing with its international partners,” Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood said in a statement. “It is of great concern...

US pension funds are slashing their forecasts…and some don’t even think they’ll meet those

US public pensionfunds are cutting their expectations for investment returns over the next 30 years or more, but some do not expect to meet even the new targets over the coming decade. After a long period of low interest rates, forecasts by investment analysts show the next 10 years will probably bring slower market growth, leading to reduced expectations for the $3.7 trillion of public pension assets. But public pensions are wary of lowering their expected return rates, or the discount...

January 2017

Workable Pension Systems: Reforms in the Caribbean

By P. Desmond Brunton & Pietro Masci - Expenditure on pensions is frequently the highest single item in the public sector budgets of most countries. At the same time, demographic trends in almost every country show that populations are aging rapidly, due to lower fertility rates and improvements in life expectancy. The implications of these trends are that budget deficits are becoming unsustainable, with significant negative effects on competitiveness and economic growth. Inefficient management and underfunding of public pension systems as...