Engagement essential for schemes to turn the tide on plastic waste

Engagement essential for schemes to turn the tide on plastic waste

The role pension schemes play in overcoming plastic pollution is multifaceted, and communicating it with members only adds another layer of complexity, experts warn.

The transition to net zero requires a multifaceted approach over how we use non-renewable materials. Up to 12.7mn tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year causing damage to marine life and ecosystems, according to the journal Science, and while the scale of the problem is significant, concentrated efforts from a range of industries can help turn the tide.

The pensions world, including individual savers, has a role to play, says Richard Gillham, financial planner at Progeny.

He says turning the tide on plastics is more “complex and nuanced” than simply increasing institutional allocations to new technologies, such as sustainable packaging solutions, recycling infrastructure or natural alternatives.

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