Policy Ideas for Boosting Defined Benefit Pensions In The Private Sector

By Dan Doonan, John Lowell, Jonathan Price, Michael Kreps, Tyler Bond & Zorast Wadia

In response to a request for information issued by the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, the National Institute on Retirement Security has submitted a research issue brief with policy ideas to help expand defined benefit (DB) pension coverage for private-sector employees.

The research brief, Policy Ideas for Boosting Defined Benefit Pensions In The Private Sector, details six options  for Congress to consider to help expand pension coverage in a manner that is workable for both employers and employees. It indicates that future policy solutions must address two key issues. First, private-sector pension plans should provide an avenue for retirement adequacy for the large majority of Americans lacking pensions regardless of their demographic profile and income. Second, private-sector pension plans must be affordable and sustainable for employers.

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