Russia: Have investment trends shifted irreversibly?

Russia: Have investment trends shifted irreversibly?

It has been six weeks since Russia sent troops into Ukraine, beginning what is perhaps the largest ground conflict in Europe since Germany declared war on France in 1940.

Already this has changed the world immeasurably, as well as sending shockwaves through the markets.

As the west has grouped together to impose crippling sanctions on the Kremlin’s elite, businesses have turned away from Russia, causing their economy to haemorrhage.

The decision to impose bans on Russian oil imports has marked a particularly moral turn in the investment world, with the US leading the charge with a complete ban and the UK planning to phase out its imports gradually to condemn Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine further.

Elsewhere, European stocks are stumbling into correction territory, while already surging energy prices are now soaring even higher. This is all comes much to the concern of officials in Whitehall, where whispers of the dreaded R word are beginning to cause some unease.

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