April 2023

UK. TPR authorises first CDC pension scheme

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has authorised the UK’s first collective defined contribution (CDC) pension scheme. CDC schemes provide an alternative to traditional defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) pension schemes and see member and employer contributions pooled in a collective fund from which an aspired to pension income for life is drawn. The pooling of longevity and investment risks makes CDC schemes more resilient to market shocks. Yesterday (April 13), the regulator published a list of authorised CDC schemes on its...

February 2023

U.K. Department of Work and Pensions launches collective defined contribution consultation

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a public consultation on a policy framework for broadening collective defined contribution (CDC) provision in pension schemes. The consultation was launched to get views from the public on policy proposals for broadening CDC provision beyond single or connected employer schemes, to accommodate multi-employer schemes. It has also asked for opinions on the role of CDC in decumulation, including how products of this kind might work in practice, and whether there is a significant...

January 2023

UK. Government explores CDC decumulation schemes

The government published a consultation on introducing a route to CDC for multi-employer schemes and master trusts on January 30, after legislation creating these schemes was introduced in 2022. Under these arrangements, employers and employees pay a fixed rate of contributions, collected in a manner similar to DC schemes. Benefits are paid with a target in mind, similar to defined benefit schemes, but with the prospect of variable increases — and the possibility of decreases. However, besides interest in whole-life CDC schemes...

CDC schemes would have ‘weathered’ market turmoil

Aon said market turbulence would not have had an adverse impact on members’ benefits A ‘well-designed’ collective defined contribution (CDC) scheme would have withstood recent market turmoil, according to Aon. In an update to the firm's Collective DC in adverse markets paper, originally published in October 2020, Aon said an efficient CDC scheme would have been able to resist the financial turbulence in the markets throughout 2021 and 2022, without having a negative impact on members' benefits or their retirement outcomes....

September 2022

UK. CDC and ESG: A truly long-term game

This summer’s introduction of collective defined contribution pension schemes was a watershed moment for the industry. With the rules now laid out and the first scheme — Royal Mail — expected to be launched imminently, attention is turning to scheme design, and in particular investment portfolios. With environmental, social and governance factors now firmly at the centre of pension fund investment, many proponents of CDC believe that it is perfectly positioned to progress the responsible and sustainable investment cause to the...

August 2022

Collective defined contribution schemes launch in Great Britain

Providers in Great Britain are now able to apply to launch collective defined contribution schemes, a development hailed by pensions minister Guy Opperman for its potential to “transform the UK pensions landscape”. Under CDC schemes, employers and employees pay a fixed rate of contributions, collected in a manner similar to defined contribution schemes. Benefits are paid with a target in mind, similar to defined benefit schemes, but with the prospect of variable increases — and the possibility of decreases. Read also...

June 2022

UK. TPR’s new DB funding code expected in September 2023

The Pensions Regulator expects its much-anticipated new defined benefit funding code to be in place and operational by September 2023, according to its latest corporate plan. In the document published on June 13, the regulator explained that the delay in the new funding rules, and in its second consultation on the matter, has allowed it to take the time it needs “to develop the right shape for our DB funding code”, while wanting to take the “opportunity to learn from...

Investment Choice in Collectivised Pensions

By John Armstrong & Cristin Buescu Investment choice is a central theme of UK pension policy. This paper shows how a collective pension fund can be managed in a manner that allows individuals to choose how their pension is invested and their schedule of pension payments. The potential benefit to investors of such a fund is quantified on the assumption that they choose to invest optimally. For our indicative choice of individual we find that they would need to invest...

September 2021

CDCs could be the new annuities, say regulators

Collective defined contribution schemes could become a popular alternative to annuities if their risks can be contained, according to the Pensions Regulator and Financial Conduct Authority. Speaking at a Work and Pensions Committee hearing this morning, David Fairs, executive director at The Pensions Regulator, said CDC schemes had many advantages over defined contribution schemes and in future could be rolled out to multiple employers and master trusts, hence become the new pension product of choice for many. CDCs are a half-way...

UK. Draft CDC regulations hampered by poor definitions, industry warns

The government’s consultation into draft regulations governing collective defined contribution schemes requires more work on definitions if these pension funds are to be properly implemented, with the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association warning it could create a “back door” for unscrupulous employers. In a CDC scheme, contribution rates for employers and employees are set in advance, and members pool investment and longevity risk. These pension funds provide income in retirement, though the rate of increase varies and pension reductions are...