August 2021

US. Why Is Gen Z Saving More for Retirement Than Their Parents?

By Ben Geier, CEPF A 2021 survey from TransAmerica says that the youngest generation of American adults is getting a jumpstart on retirement by saving a lot earlier than older generations. Financial experts will point out that this is in part due to the decline of pensions and the rise of defined contribution plans like 401(k)s, which allow employees to invest part of their paycheck into a tax-advantaged retirement account. In fact, Gen Z could be the first generation to...

March 2021

México. Consar e Injuve impulsarán la educación previsional en jóvenes

La Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) y el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud (Imjuve) lanzaron un plan de trabajo conjunto para determinar y elaborar programas, mecanismos y acciones de interés común en beneficio de los jóvenes. Leer también México. CONSAR envía metodología de nuevo cobro de comisiones y Afores aún no se oponen En un comunicado, las instituciones indicaron que en el marco de esta colaboración, se desarrollarán acciones para fortalecer las capacidades previsionales de los...

February 2021

Ten degrees of sustainability

By Tanya Broadfield In November, when COP26 takes place in Glasgow, the eyes of the world will be looking at what progress the UK has made towards delivering sustainability targets to support net zero and the tackling of climate change. Savills has identified 10 drivers of change we can expect to hear more about this year. 1. TCFD and climate transparency A raft of sustainability disclosure requirements is coming and The Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is leading the way. Since January,...