February 2017

Nueva ley del ISSSTE y pensiones de retiro

By María Asención Morales Ramírez La nueva Ley del ISSSTE, publicada el 31 de marzo de 2007 en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, de manera general considera cambios en tres aspectos: seguros, pensiones y salud. Respecto de los primeros, presenta una nueva estructura al reducir los 21 seguros y prestaciones a 4 seguros (salud, riesgos de trabajo, retiro, cesantía en edad avanzada y vejez e invalidez y vida), más prestaciones y servicios que estarán en función de la capacidad...

Social Reforms in China: 2016-2020

By Andoni Maiza and Ricardo Bustillo The need to evolve from an export-based economic model towards a different model where domestic consumption plays a larger role is what has driven the Chinese government to design new social policies to give households greater confidence and boost consumption levels. The 13th Five-Year Plan 2016-2020 includes measures to expand the coverage of the pension system, health insurance, and unemployment insurance, and also provides for a new raise to the minimum wage. However, there...

Social security, pensions and old age adults’ poverty in Mexico.

By Araceli Damián After discussing the role of pension systems in capitalism as instruments of redistribution of income between capital and labor and, therefore, of the class struggle, it is recounted how, in a context of a fragmented and inconclusive Welfare State, pension systems emerged in Mexico, and recent reforms to pension systems are analyzed, showing their impact in the reduction of benefits. Lastly, the poverty of the population of retirement age is analyzed in relation to their access to...

Dilemas de la protección social frente a la desaceleración económica

Esta publicación presenta una reflexión respecto de los desafíos de los sistemas de protección social en el Cono Sur frente a las nuevas condiciones tanto del contexto macroeconómico como del mercado laboral. El análisis incluye la situación en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. (more…)

Matching Contributions for Pensions

By Richard Hinz, Robert Holzmann, David Tuesta, Noriyuki Takayama Establishing robust, equitable, and effective social protection is essential to reducing poverty and boosting prosperity at all levels of development. The demographic transition that has already transformed most high-income societies will exert similar and growing pressures on others, reinforcing the role of pensions and savings for old age as a central pillar of social protection systems. Despite this increasing imperative, achieving full coverage and adequate benefits within a financially sustainable pension system...

The Challenge of Public Pension Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies

By Benedict J. Celements, Mauricio Soto et. al. Pension reform is high on the policy agenda of many advanced and emerging market economies. In advanced economies the challenge is generally to contain future increases in public pension spending as the population ages. In emerging market economies, the challenges are often different. Where pension coverage is extensive, the issues are similar to those in advanced economies. Where pension coverage is low, the key challenge will be to expand coverage in a...