May 2023

Changing pensions regulations will not boost UK business investment Expert

Often in politics, a bad idea turns up when its time has finally come. The current contender in the UK is the belief that a few tweaks to pension rules will flood dynamic companies with much-needed funds, save the troubled stock market, improve returns for future pensioners and resolve the longstanding weakness in business investment. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said in his March Budget that his plans, to be announced in the autumn, will “unlock productive investment from defined contribution pension...

Jamaica. No big pension increase for former prime ministers

Prime Minister Andrew Holness' decision to decline his 214 per cent salary increase and keep his yearly $9 million pay is binding on all former and future heads of government, the administration has disclosed. The figure is critical for former prime ministers in particular because their pension is tied to the salary of the current officeholder. There are three living former prime ministers - PJ Patterson, Portia Simpson Miller, and Bruce Golding. Information Minister Robert Morgan made the clarification at a post-Cabinet...

Longevity, A $56 Trillion Opportunity. With Andrew Scott

In unguarded moments, politicians occasionally wish that retired people would "hurry up and die", on account of the ballooning costs of pensions and healthcare. Andrew J Scott confronts this attitude in his book, “The 100-Year Life”, which has been sold a million copies in 15 languages, and was runner up in both the FT/McKinsey and Japanese Business Book of the Year Awards. Scott joined the London Futurists Podcast to discuss his arguments. Scott is a professor of economics at the...

Perú. AFP: diez entidades técnicas rechazan retiros de ahorros para la jubilación

Al menos 10 entidades técnicas internacionales y nacionales han manifestado su oposición a dar acceso anticipado a los fondos que administran las AFP porque afecta la futura pensión y la economía del país, que contradice la postura de varios legisladores que apoyan el retiro. En la última sesión de la Comisión de Economía del Congreso de la República, la presidenta del grupo parlamentario, Rosangella Barbarán (Fuerza Popular), dejó en claro que en este tema hay que ser responsables y apostar...

Colombia. Defensoría, preocupada por la reforma pensional: “las personas deben estar en la capacidad de decidir a qué régimen quieren pertenecer”

El proyecto de ley sobre la reforma pensional del gobierno del presidente Gustavo Petro comenzará a ser debatido en el Congreso de la República en las próximas semanas, lo cual ha llevado a la Defensoría del Pueblo a exponer sus preocupaciones en relación con lo contemplado en el borrador radicado por el Gobierno nacional a finales de marzo pasado. En la actualidad, existen 18,6 millones de personas que cotizan en el Régimen de Ahorro Individual con Solidaridad (RAIS), conocidos como...

Chile. Reforma a pensiones y tributaria: Gobierno busca destrabar discusión ante proyectos emblemáticos

Mientras la ministra del Trabajo, Jeannette Jara, busca como destrabar la discusión de la reforma a las pensiones, su par de Hacienda, Mario Marcel, no descarta insistir en la reforma tributaria. La ministra del Trabajo y Previsión Social, Jeannette Jara, sigue presionando para acelerar los tiempos de tramitación y destrabar las conversaciones para la reforma al sistema de pensiones. La secretaria de Estado alertó de no contaminar la discusión de la iniciativa con el escenario previo al plebiscito de fin de...

UK. Savers miss out on £70,000 at poorly performing pension funds

Thousands of poorly-performing pension funds have been placed on notice by regulators as analysis reveals that savers are missing out on nearly £70,000 in lost investment returns. Nausicaa Delfas, the new boss of The Pensions Regulator (TPR), vowed on Tuesday to go after the trustees of struggling funds that are letting down their members. The Telegraph can separately disclose that average savers are missing out on tens of thousands of pounds in lost investment returns at conservative British pension funds, after...

EU. MEPs face 50% cut to luxury pensions, but public still set for hefty bill

The European Parliament is set to slash payouts from its controversial top-up pension fund by 50 per cent as part of measures aimed at eradicating a €300 million deficit and averting a looming bankruptcy. Despite beneficiaries now facing major cuts to their pension payments, around €86 million is still expected to be covered with public money. After years of procrastination and an ever-growing deficit, the European Parliament has finally taken the bull by the horns to address the impending bankruptcy of...

US. House passes bill requiring Treasury report on economic risks from China

The House overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan bill that would require the Treasury Department, along with several federal regulators, to issue a report on risks posed to the U.S. by China's financial sector. In a 400-5 vote, the House passed the China Financial Threat Mitigation Act of 2023 Monday, introduced by Reps. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., and Roger Williams, R-Texas. The bill directs the Treasury secretary — in consultation with the chairmen of the Federal Reserve, SEC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the...

Asset owners, managers sign biodiversity pledge

Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP, Heerlen, Netherlands, joined 14 asset owners and managers signing the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge Monday to commemorate World Biodiversity Day. The pledge calls for signatories to commit to map their biodiversity impact, set goals and targets, and disclose the results before 2025, along with collaboration and engaging with companies to halt and reverse nature loss. The €480 billion ($528.9 billion) pension fund is now one of 140 signatories representing a collective €19.7 trillion in assets from 23 countries. Other...