May 2024

Perú. Exponen propuestas para reforma de actual sistema de pensiones

Este lunes 6 continuó la labor del Grupo de trabajo encargado del estudio de propuestas para el fortalecimiento y mejora de los sistemas de pensiones, que preside el legislador Jorge Montoya Manrique (RP). En esa oportunidad se presentó el economista Jorge Baca Campodónico, quien presentó sus aportes sobre el particular. Señaló la necesidad de establecer nuevos mecanismos y propuestas que permitan superar este tema que afecta a millones de peruanos. Señaló que el reto al que se enfrentan las pensiones públicas...

Brazil officials eye curbs on pension spending, but Lula may resist

Senior officials in Brazil's economic team are signaling a need to curb pension spending in order to shore up public accounts, although their biggest challenge may be convincing President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to take such a measure. Despite a sweeping 2019 pension reform, spending on retirements and pension benefits continues to surge, affected by an aging population and Lula's policy of boosting benefits by more than inflation. Treasury Secretary Rogerio Ceron said last week that pension expenses "still deserve attention"...

The US prison system is turning into a de facto nursing home

In late 2018, Richard Washington sent a memo to the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit with the subject line “Notice I am being killed.” The 64-year-old man, who decades earlier was convicted on armed robbery charges, was serving a 63-year prison sentence in Arizona. In his letter, he alleged that the Department of Corrections was refusing to give him medication for his various health issues, which included diabetes, hypertension, and hepatitis C. Because of the lack of...

UK. DB and DC Participant Access Update

Private industry workers have a roughly 67% chance of having access to a defined contribution retirement plan and a 15% chance of being offered a defined benefit option, according to the most recent estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of those workers with DB access, 11% are taking advantage of the benefit, according to the government department. In the DC space, 49% of workers are reportedly saving into the plans. The data, which was released April 19, is drawn from...

Pakistan mulls pension reforms as government moves to curtail expenditure ahead of IMF talks

The Pakistan government said on Tuesday it was vital to reform the country’s pension system, including by raising the retirement age, to mitigate expenditure as Islamabad aims to save the system billions of dollars per year, with a committee formed to propose recommendations. The belt tightening moves come as Islamabad — which is facing a balance of payment crisis — is in talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to secure a new long-term bailout deal. In the past, Pakistan...

Assuring the sustainability of the Canada Pension Plan: A new consensus is required

By: Keith Ambachtsheer, Malcolm Hamilton, Ed Waitzer   The creation of the Canada and Quebec pension plans in the 1960s and subsequent amendments to them in the 1990s is a compelling story of how governments worked together to create and sustain one of Canada’s greatest public-policy achievements. Today we are faced with the thorny issue of how to determine a fair basis on which Alberta might choose to exit the CPP. When the CPP was created, Ontario requested a provision to allow...

Chile. Pensiones: ministro Elizalde dice que el gobierno insistirá en reparto a solidaridad, pero evita detallar nueva propuesta

En una entrevista televisiva, este domingo el ministro de la Secretaría General de la Presidencia (Segpres), Álvaro Elizalde, se refirió a la discusión para destrabar la reforma de pensiones. En entrevista con Estado Nacional de TVN, el secretario de Estado dijo que “estamos en este proceso de diálogo”, recordando que “se aprobó en primer trámite en la Cámara de Diputados, obviamente hay elementos esenciales que no fueron aprobados por la Cámara y van a ser ahora discutidos por el Senado”. De acuerdo al...

México. PPR, qué es y cómo funciona esta opción de ahorro para tu retiro que además te ayuda a deducir impuestos

El Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) comenzó a hacer las devoluciones correspondientes a las declaraciones de impuestos de personas físicas que se hicieron en abril y tuvieron saldo a favor, y si eres de los afortunados que ya la recibió o la recibirá, podrías invertir ese dinerito extra para sacarle provecho, en lugar de gastarlo. Existen diferentes opciones en el mercado para que inviertas ese u otro dinero que desees, lo importante es que sea una que te beneficie a corto, mediano o incluso largo plazo, todo dependerá de lo que...

Argentina. Jubilaciones: solo 3 de cada 10 logran completar aportes

En los primeros tres me­ses del año, 115.757 personas se jubilaron o pensiona­ron a través de la Anses. De este total, 88.212 (es decir, el 76,2%) lo hicieron recu­rriendo a las moratorias y solo 27.545 (23,8%) no ne­cesitaron de la moratoria porque reunieron como mí­nimo los 30 años de aportes requeridos, según los datos de la Seguridad Social. La mayoría de los trabajadores que no tienen los 30 años de aportes requeridos es por­que se desempeñaron en la informalidad,...

US. Prudential Survey Reveals Insights on Retirement Planning

Prudential conducted a survey of 198 financial advisors to gain insight on how they are investing and constructing portfolios for retirees. 80% use separate portfolios that are specifically designed for retirees. Additionally, the use of targeted portfolios was higher among advisors who were more knowledgeable about planning for retirement. Another takeaway from the survey is that 50% of retirees prefer to live off of income from their portfolios. Thus, advisors need to ensure that their portfolios generate income for clients while balancing...