Priorities for social security Global 2022 Trends, challenges and solutions

By International Social Security Association

The report Priorities for social security – Global 2022: Trends, challenges and solutions presents a global perspective on social security developments and trends, challenges and innovations, based on the series of reports for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe. The global report is presented in a new and interactive format, a digital, web-based publication that allows members of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) to easily navigate between sections of interest. The new format enables quick access and deep dives into the topics of interest including convenient links to relevant country examples, facts and trends, good practices, articles and reports prepared by the ISSA Secretariat and its collaborators, with an emphasis on the 2020–2022 triennium. Access to a wide range of online information as well as linked references to relevant ISSA Guidelines, webinars and other events further enrich the experience. A simpler printable format is also available.

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