October 2021

Many Americans are facing a retirement savings shortfall

A new survey says 40% of Americans actually fear retirement more than death. The study found 87% of people fear not having enough income in retirement. The second biggest fear is losing health insurance. A variety of factors are influencing these fears. Many Americans are facing retirement savings shortfall and more than half worry about the future of social security. When deciding to retire, one of the biggest factors to consider is if you have enough money saved. To sustain...

August 2018

US. The stealth pension mortgage on your house

States with unfunded public employee retirement obligations will have to rely on real estate property as their ultimate collateral to deal with the risk, writes experts on The Wall Street Journal. "The affluent can escape sales and income taxes by moving to a new state—but real estate stays behind," explain the experts. "Property values must ultimately support the obligations that politicians have promised, even if those obligations aren’t properly funded... Whether or not unfunded obligations are paid with property...

US. The Call to Care for Aging Parents Comes Sooner Now

Adrienne Glusman was 29, single and carefree when she became her mother’s caregiver. The only child of divorced parents, Ms. Glusman was living in New York City at the time, working, traveling, and going out with friends. Her mother, Hetty, in her mid-60s, was retired and living in Florida when she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It seemed manageable, until she fell, hit her head and wasn’t discovered for 12 hours. Read more The wall street journal