November 2023

Austrian pension funds to lose 7.5% in asset value due to climate risks

The value of assets in the portfolios of Austrian pension funds would decrease by approximately 7.5% in the event of an unexpected increase of the price of CO2 emissions through additional taxes to make fossil fuel investments less attractive, according to a stress test conducted this year by the by Austria’s Financial Market Authority (FMA). This is an improvement from last year’s test showing a 10% loss in asset value. Read also German government drafts law to reform second pillar pension system This year’s...

September 2022

Protesters in Austria demand high salaries and bigger pensions

Across several Austrian cities people took to the streets to protest the high cost of living. According to workers unions organizing the event, more than 32,000 demonstrators participated on Saturday. "It's really hard for me to afford my apartment with the high gas and electricity prices," university student Alexandra Schwarz told CGTN at Vienna's Schweizergarten. "I can't afford groceries," another young woman added. Among higher salaries and bigger pensions, Austria's unions are demanding solidarity between their employers and the government. Many signs...

July 2021

Austrian sustainable funds see record rise in AUM to €22.4bn

Assets under management (AUM) for Austrian sustainability-driven investment funds rose by 29% to €22.4bn in the first half of this year, up from €17.3bn in 2020, according to figures published last week by the Vienna-based investment companies association VÖIG. The number of sustainable funds on the market grew from 96 in 2020 to 106 in the first half of this year, figures show. Last year the Fachverband der Pensionskassen, Austria’s occupational pension fund association, floated the idea of a “green supplementary...

January 2021

Unearned Income and Labor Supply: Evidence from Survivor Pensions in Austria

By René Böheim, Michael Topf We study the effect of lower unearned income on labor supply. To identify the causal effect of an unexpected reduction in unearned income, we exploit a policy reform that lowered survivor pensions in Austria. Men widowed after the survivor pension reform received an approximately 34% lower survivor pension than men widowed before the reform. We follow the employment history of both groups for 150 months and estimate the reform’s effect on labor supply using...

July 2019

Modelo sueco de pensiones y ‘mochila austríaca’, ¿en qué se diferencian?

El modelo sueco se ha convertido en un sistema de pensiones de referencia, mientras que la ‘mochila austríaca’ es un modelo que sustituye a la indemnización por despido y puede complementar las futuras pensiones de los trabajadores. Ambos mecanismos tienen diversos aspectos en común, pero también presentan diferencias sustanciales que señalamos a continuación. La principal diferencia entre el modelo sueco y la ‘mochila austriaca’ es que el primero es un sistema de pensiones y el segundo es una indemnización...