July 2022

UK. Advice sector must do more to attract younger clients

There is a worrying stereotype attached to the financial advice sector: it is interested only in clients who have accumulated a large amount of wealth — so it can easily acquire assets under management. This translates to a tendency to serve clients who are old, who have paid off their mortgage and who have a defined benefit (DB) pension. We have passed ‘peak DB’, with more people now saving through DC schemes The ideal clients, in other words, are the Babyboomer generation,...

June 2022

¿Por qué los jóvenes en Colombia piensan que lograr una pensión en el mañana es una utopía?

Daniel Wills afirma que los jóvenes colombianos consideran, por desinformación, que jamás alcanzarán a tener una pensión. El dinero depositado en los fondos solo puede usarse para pagar la pensión, sea del salario mínimo o devolución de saldos, en caso de no cumplir con los requisitos para pensionarse. Daniel Wills, matemático y economista de la Universidad de los Andes, explica en Conferencias Actualícese que muchas veces la percepción no corresponde a la realidad en lo concerniente al sistema pensional y de...

Millennials, Gen Z worry about retirement, sustainability, employer values

Money, politics, and stress are all factors affecting younger generations' willingness to stay in a job. A newly released study by Deloitte, a professional services networked, surveyed nearly 15,000 millennial and Gen Z professionals to see what their top priorities were in the workplace, as the Great Resignation continues. The survey by Deloitte found that workers from the millennial and Gen Z age groups are more likely to bring their political opinions to the workplace. The 2022 study by Deloitte...

Today’s Pensions Just Don’t Favor Millennials and Gen Z

Even in 2022, pensions still command an aura of reverence. A benefit where you work for one company for 30 years and then retire with a livable wage? And you don’t have to fret about picking investments? What’s not to like? Although pensions are increasingly rare in the U.S., they’re not obsolete. About 38% of the private workforce had access to a defined benefit plan in 1980. By 2008, that had fallen to 20%. In spring of 2020, it was...

May 2022

Why are millennials better at saving than their parents?

Millennials started saving for retirement in their mid-20s, about 10 years earlier than baby boomers, a new Charles Schwab report says. But experts still predict that millennials will be less secure in retirement than their parents or grandparents. The most common retirement plans today tend to be riskier, with smaller potential payouts. Student loans, soaring housing costs, COVID-19, recessions and gig working are some of the other challenges millennials have faced. Millennials are now the world’s largest adult generation...

Using dollars for change. Seven key insights into impact investing for 2022 and beyond

By FIDELITY Charitable Impact investing is the practice of making purposeful investments that generate financial returns, while also helping to achieve social or environmental benefits— exemplifying the idea of “doing well while doing good.” The idea of linking one’s investments and values has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly as there are generational shifts in wealth from Baby Boomers to Gen Xers and Millennials. Younger generations bring a new mindset to their everyday decisions—seeking to align their choices with their...

Millennials Will Make Impact Investing Mainstream

Impact investing will likely become a mainstream investment strategy as millennials attain more wealth, according to a Fidelity Charitable study that found that 61% of millennial investors already practice impact investing, compared with only one-third of all investors. “We find that investors are increasingly interested in aligning their investments with their broader values and desire for social change,” Scott Nance, vice president of impact investing at Fidelity Charitable, said in a statement. “And the trend toward values-based investing will only...

December 2021

Educación financiera previsional: hacia una cultura de ahorro para el retiro sustentable

Por Gerardo Yáñez-Betancourt, Zaide Patricia Seañez Martínez, Werner Horacio Varela-Castro & María de los Angeles Briceño-Santacruz Desde hace muchos años un gran problema es el manejo de la seguridad social de las personas en edad de retiro por pensión, cesantía o vejez. En México hace 24 años se cambiaron las condiciones para incorporar a la entonces fuerza laboral y su futuro previsional basado en cuentas financieras individuales. De esto surgen entre otras algunas interrogantes. ¿Qué tanta preocupación tiene la población...

November 2021

México. Si no ahorran, Millennials tendrán que vivir con $70 diarios

Si los jóvenes no ahorran, tendrán que sobrevivir con pensiones de poco más de 2 mil pesos mensuales, es decir, unos 70 pesos diarios, advirtió el Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR). La Consar dio a conocer los resultados de estimaciones pensionarias que se realizaron para cotizantes al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) de 36 años de edad o menos, mostrando diferentes alternativas que podrían aumentar el monto de tu pensión futura. El ejercicio consideró un supuesto de Densidad...

October 2021

South Africa. Millennials hardest hit financially in 2020, study shows

Young people employed in medium to large companies and belonging to a retirement fund were harder hit financially by the pandemic than their middle-aged colleagues, with higher retrenchment rates and higher levels of financial stress, as measured by their credit scores and their default rates on debt. This is one of the findings of the annual Alexander Forbes Member Insights report, released this week, which surveyed almost a million members across the hundreds of retirement funds Alexander Forbes administers. While...