January 2024

Millennials vs. Boomers: Which Generation Is Better Prepared for Retirement?

Many boomers are currently retired or on the cusp of retirement, so it wouldn’t be a far-off guess to assume that boomers are better prepared financially for this phase of life. However, a recent Vanguard study found that millennials are actually better prepared for retirement than baby boomers. The study found that millennials who are median-income earners will be able to generate sustainable retirement income equal to 58% of their pre-retirement earnings, while median-income boomers will be able to generate sustainable retirement income...

August 2023

“Los millennials estamos llegando a la mediana edad, y no se parece a lo que nos prometieron.”

Por Jessica Grose Aunque pueda sorprender a quienes siguen empleando el término millennial o milénials como abreviatura de “jóvenes irritantes”, ya no son —no somos— jóvenes. Los mayores de nosotros, a punto de cumplir los 40, nos encontramos en la cúspide de la etapa vital conocida como mediana edad, tradicionalmente asociada a unas rodillas cada vez menos fiables y la angustia por saber si esto es todo lo que hay. Pero si hemos logrado esquivar la angustia —al menos hasta...

April 2023

Younger workers stashing more in retirement plans, Vanguard study says

Younger workers today are participating in their workplace retirement plans at higher rates than they were 15 years ago, and they're saving more, according to new research from Vanguard. In 2021, 62% of Generation Z workers — those between the ages of 18 and 24 — participated in the retirement plans offered through their employers, up from 30% of people in that age range who did so in 2006. Their average deferrals also ticked up to 5.4% from 4.8%. Millennials too...

November 2022

UK. Millennials risk losing nearly £6,600 by pausing pension contributions

People pausing their pension contributions in their 20s and 30s could stand to lose almost £6,600 by the time they reach retirement age, analysis from Money Minder has revealed. The research found that those in their 20s that paused pension payments for a year could have an additional £1,371, they risked losing up to £5,770 from their total pension fund when they reach state pension age, due to the accumulation of the investment returns contributing to the growth of the...

Getting In On The Act: A New Generation Of Investors Is Here

Gen-Z and millennials are digital natives, caring about climate change, advocating for fair practices, and seeking impact investments that align with their values, and offer more than a short-term financial return. The investment world has undergone rapid change since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Data shows that global venture funding reached a record US$621 billion in 2021- more than double the 2020 mark of $294 billion. It is also swinging away from the historically dominant US, with Asia now...

October 2022

US. Study Finds Millennials Are Less Likely to be Secure in Their Retirement

New research from the Pension Research Council shows job rates, marriage and home ownership down for early millennials. Millennials may have a harder time maintaining their standard of living due to a variety of factors, according to research from the Pension Research Council at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. At a glance, there is reason for both pessimism and optimism. Among early millennials, male labor force participation is down from past generations, with 89% of men...

Una generación sin hogar: el difícil sueño de una casa propia para los jóvenes latinoamericanos

La precarización laboral, las continuas crisis económicas y el precio desorbitado del suelo en Latinoamérica han hecho que comprar vivienda sea casi imposible para las nuevas generaciones Julio vive en Quito, Ecuador. Es economista, acaba de cumplir 30 años y, aunque lleva casi una década trabajando de manera formal como funcionario público, cree imposible que algún día pueda conseguir el sueño postergado de la vivienda propia. “Ni siquiera pensarlo. Prefiero alquilar y rogar para que en algún momento los precios...

September 2022

How Gloomy is the Retirement Outlook for Millennials?

By Karen Smith, Richard W. Johnson Social, economic, demographic, and public policy shifts have made Millennial retirement security a pressing concern. Many recent trends threaten financial security for future generations of retirees. Male labor force participation pre-age 55 has slumped, men’s median earnings have stagnated, marriage and homeownership rates are falling, debt levels remain high, and out-of-pocket spending on medical and long-term services and supports are rising. Other trends are more encouraging, such as women’s higher earnings, the rise in...

July 2022

The 2022 BlackRock Read on Retirement

By BlackRock Retirement savings isn’t always an even playing field, but as an industry we can seek better outcomes. That’s why we’ve reimagined our DC Pulse survey to provide a more accurate “Read on Retirement” and what it means for more and more people. The pandemic caused people to rethink what they need for retirement, and inspired employers to offer more strategies to help employees save for the short and long-term. Yet not everyone has access to a workplace plan, and...

UK. Advice sector must do more to attract younger clients

There is a worrying stereotype attached to the financial advice sector: it is interested only in clients who have accumulated a large amount of wealth — so it can easily acquire assets under management. This translates to a tendency to serve clients who are old, who have paid off their mortgage and who have a defined benefit (DB) pension. We have passed ‘peak DB’, with more people now saving through DC schemes The ideal clients, in other words, are the Babyboomer generation,...