February 2020

China’s state pension plan needs retooling as slowdown, ageing population hit retirement pot

China’s ageing population is increasing the pressure on the state pension deficit at the same time employers are falling behind on their contributions. A deeper economic slowdown could burn a bigger hole in the retirement pot, experts say. The cumulative balance in the pool stood at about 5 trillion yuan (US$712 billion) at the end of 2019, and the employers’ contributions were expected to fall short by 417.4 billion yuan due to measures to ease their burden, vice finance...

Ireland. Community employment workers strike over pensions

Hundreds of community employment scheme supervisors staged a strike over pensions in Dublin yesterday. So-called section 39 workers, whose pay was cut during the recession and was never restored, also joined the protest. Also Read Staff in 74 UK universities start 2-week strike over pensions These are people who work for organisations providing health and social services which are known as section 39 bodies. Community employment (CE) scheme employees and supervisors marched from the Custom House in Dublin to the...

South Africa. Trade union oppose plans to finance Eskom with pension fund

South African trade union Solidarity announced that it has started a legal process to stop plans to financing Eskom from the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF). The union says it has written a letter to the GEPF as well as the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), and it is demanding that the Trustees and the Board of these institutions should not accept the controversial plan to finance Eskom from the Fund. In the letter, Solidarity called the Trustees’ attention to...

January 2020

US. Public Pensions Reducing Fee Outlays to Improve Efficiency

Public retirement systems are squeezing down their expenses to operate more efficiently, according to an annual study by the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems. Read also 28% of Americans in Their 60s Are Extremely Short on Retirement Savings The 2019 NCPERS Public Retirement Systems Study, based on responses from 155 state and local pension systems, shows that trustees, managers, and administrators are working to ensure funds’ fiscal and operational integrity, according to Hank H. Kim, executive director and...

Pensions will win the election in Ireland

Longstanding plans to increase Ireland's statutory retirement age and the knock-on effects on pension payments have become an unexpected issue ahead of the Feb. 8 election, putting the government on the back foot. Prime Minister Leo Varadkar called the election last week, but a pitch putting his diplomatic successes on Brexit at the center of the campaign has fallen flat with an electorate more concerned about deficits in housing and healthcare. The issue of pensions has dominated the campaign...

Public sector salaries and pensions rise in Uruguay

The Uruguayan government reported today that it decreed a salary increase of 8.7 percent for civil servants, whereas pensioners will receive similar benefits from this year. According to the presidential decree approved by the Council of Ministers, the specific figure is in line with inflation, to maintain real wages. Other data from the National Statistics Institute indicate that since 1998, civil servants of the central government have received the highest average pay rise, of nearly 40 percent. On the...

Spanish Government Gives Green Light To 0.9% Pension Increase

The first ministers cabinet meeting in Spain on Tuesday approved the rise in pensions by 0.9%. The increase will be applied retroactively from January 1 and will affect and will affect more than 10 million Spaniards, both contributory and non-contributory and passive class pensions. Read Also United Arab Emirates: The Introduction Of The DIFC Employee Workplace Savings Plan And Other Qualifying Schemes The 0.9% rise coincides with the average CPI estimate. If prices rise above that figure, the Government will compensate...

December 2019

Greek government planning pension rises for 450,000 recipients

After reversing itself and approving holiday handouts, Greece’s New Democracy government now said there will be hikes beginning in January 2020 to 450,000 main and auxiliary pension benefits. Who gets them and how much will be determined after a study for the Labor Ministry for the National Actuarial Authority, said Kathimerini in a report in which it said it was told by sources not identified that the hikes will be retroactive to Oct. 6, 2019, for 60,000 beneficiaries whose pensions...

Nigeria: Court Orders Govt to Recover Pensions Paid to Ex-Governors Who Serve As Ministers, Senators

The Federal High Court in Lagos in a landmark judgment has ordered the federal government to "recover pensions collected by former governors now serving as ministers and members of the National Assembly, and directed the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice Mr Abubakar Malami, SAN to challenge the legality of states' pension laws permitting former governors and other ex-public officials to collect such pensions." A certified true copy of the judgment delivered last week was obtained...

October 2019

Introducing a universal pension to Zanzibar

In older age, as health challenges limit people's ability to work, fewer women and men can secure a reliable, sufficient income to ensure they meet their day-to-day needs in later life. Many older people, particularly those who are poorer, must remain economically active to get by as they have limited options for income. Work in older age is mainly in the informal sector, which tends to provide lower and more volatile incomes. Without systems to ensure income security as...