February 2021

México. Pese a pandemia y a ser voluntaria, afiliación de trabajadoras del hogar al IMSS subió

Carmen es trabajadora del hogar. Hace unos meses tuvo una caída y por primera vez pudo acceder a servicios médicos gratuitos gracias a que está afiliada a la Prueba Piloto para empleadas como ella del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). Pero reconoce que no fue a ella a quien se le ocurrió inscribirse, porque cualquier trámite de gobierno le parece burocrático, sino que fue su patrona, con la que lleva trabajando 24 de sus 49 años, quien le...

México. Retiros parciales por desempleo se tramitarán por Afore Móvil: Consar

Abraham Vela Dib, titular de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema del Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar), mencionó en su cuenta de twitter que a partir de junio del 2021 los interesados en retirar dinero de cuenta afore lo podrán realizar mediante Afore Móvil. Sin embargo, aclaró, que sólo aquellos que cuenten con su expediente biométrico serán beneficiarios del programa e insta a las personas que aún no lo tengan a actualizar sus datos. “Estimados cuentahabientes del SAR, me es grato informarles...

¿Pueden los millennials tener una pensión digna?

Es frecuente que la preocupación por el retiro se genere cuando ya está cerca y es demasiado tarde para hacer algún cambio significativo en las finanzas. Entre más pronto se tome conciencia de ese requerimiento futuro, será posible tener todo bajo control. Comencemos por delimitar la magnitud del reto. 1.- Como entraste a laborar después del primero de julio de 1997, te jubilarás con lo que ahorres en forma individual a través de tu Afore. 2.- Según los estudios actuariales de...

December 2020

Mexican President says the Maya train will pay for military pensions

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Sunday the army will run the Maya train project and several airports, and use any profits to finance military pensions. Read also Mexican Congress passes major reform to boost pensions The army is already overseeing construction on some parts of the controversial project, while private firms build the rest. But López Obrador said Sunday that “so there won’t be the temptation to privatize” the $6.8 billion project, the army will operate it once...

Mexican Congress passes major reform to boost pensions

The Mexican Congress late on Wednesday passed one of the biggest overhauls to the country's pension system in years, boosting retirement benefits and reducing workers' mandatory contribution times, in a victory for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Read also The Consequences of Long-Term State Pension Underperformance The initiative, which the government originally set out in July, will lower to 1,000 from 1,250 the number of weeks workers must have paid in to claim retirement benefits. Read also Chilean lawmakers...

Proposed Fee Cap for Mexican Pension System Could Bring Challenges

On Sept. 25, 2020, a Mexican Pension System (SAR) reform bill was submitted to the congress containing enhancements previously proposed by Mexico’s president. The bill also proposes a cap on management fees charged by pension fund managers (Afores) that would reduce annual fees by over 40%. The SAR continues to undergo changes aimed at improving the projected adequacy of pension savings. The target-date fund framework aims to improve investment returns. Contributions would increase to 15% under the current reform...

October 2020

Pension Reform in Mexico: Guiding Principles for Creating a Sustainable and Balanced System for Private Sector Workers

By Guillermo Zamarripa & Gustavo A. Del Angel From 1995 to 1997, Mexico engaged in a major pension reform. With that change, the system migrated from a pay as you go defined benefit model to a defined contribution one. The pension system reform permitted a sustained increase of financial savings in Mexico from 1999 to 2019. Savings managed by the pension funds -the Afores1- reached 16.6% of GDP as of the end of 2019. However, after more than two...

Mexico. López Obrador faces pension funds’ ire with commissions cut plan

Plans by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to force fund managers to cut their fees as part of a pension reform have prompted threats of litigation. Read also Chile’s pension funds join global gold ETP rush Private pension funds would have to cut their commissions almost in half to 0.54 percent, from 0.92 percent, according to a bill sent to Congress in September, which is expected to be approved in both chambers in the next weeks. Read also COVID-19...

September 2020

Poverty trap in Mexico, 1992-2016

By Eduardo Loría The paper aims to prove that between 1992 and 2016, people in poverty as a proportion of the total population has not been reduced. In particular, food poverty (FP) represented an average of 22%, despite the fact that gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and GDP, social development expenditure and food programme expenditure (both as GDP proportion) grew by 0.96%, 1.9%, 2.7% and −17.4% on an annual average, respectively. Design/methodology/approach There are non-linear relationships between...

August 2020

Study of an SB2 Beneficiary’s Pension Plan

By Enriqueta Mancilla-Redón, Carmen Lozano Arizmendi The individual account pension system established by the Social Security Act 1997 shows that the contributions of beneficiaries invested in retirement fund managers have had negative returns and the investment instrument in which the contributions of the retirement savings system are invested are not known. The objective of this study is to analyze the contributions in AFORES of an SB2 classification beneficiary invested in SIEFORES and the performance they have generated that the...