March 2021

South African retirement fund guidelines are changing – how will this affect you?

South African retirement savings are governed by the Pensions Fund Act. Within this act, Regulation 28 lays out the maximum percentage of a fund that can be invested in different asset classes. For example, only 30% is permitted to be invested offshore. This aims to force diversification and prevent savers from keeping all their eggs in one asset basket. WHAT ARE THE PROPOSED REGULATION 28 CHANGES? The changes mean to make it easier for funds to invest in infrastructure and provide a way...

UK women have up to 45% less in pension at retirement than men

The UK pensions system disadvantages women compared to men, with females having between 25% to 45% less in their pension pots at retirement, new data has shown. According to analysis from professional services consultancy Barnett Waddingham, the gender pension gap begins to diverge most after the age of 32, with men contributing up to £1,500 ($2,068) per annum more into their pension than women. This is despite contributing the same percentage of their salary. The research, which analysed the data and saving...

US. Pension relief paves way for more de-risking

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act signed by President Biden contains the most important changes in single employer pension funding relief rules since the introduction of the Pension Protection Act in 2006. What is changing? The new rules enforce two key changes in how minimum required contributions (MRCs) are calculated. Read also Retirees who pay the most in taxes make only $36,000 a year on average, study finds Firstly, the Act extends and enhances the Interest Rate Stabilization mechanisms brought in over the last decade (specifically, Moving...

Delivering prevention in an ageing world: Democratising access to prevention – Consultation paper

By International Longevity Centre UK Following our year-long Prevention in an ageing world programme that sparked conversations from Abu Dhabi to Taipei, Austin, Geneva, Sydney, London all the way to the G20 Health Ministers, the message is clear. It’s never too late to prevent. And the health and economic costs of failing to invest in preventative interventions across the life course are simply too high to ignore. We know that prevention works, but for too long cultural, economic and geographic divides...

February 2021

Perú. AFP: 1.9 millones de afiliados tienen saldo cero en su cuenta tras retiros

La Asociación de AFP informó que aproximadamente 1′900,000 afiliados ya no cuentan con dinero en su fondo de jubilación, es decir, que en su cuenta de capitalización individual tiene cero soles. Este debido a que se han acogido a las seis opciones de retiro de fondo de pensiones que se han introducido desde abril del 2016 hasta diciembre del 2020. Cuatro de estas fueron aplicadas en el marco de la pandemia del COVID. Los afiliados de las AFP retiraron un total de...

Chile. Pese a la pandemia todos los multifondos de pensión rentaron positivo en enero

De acuerdo al boletín de Ciedess -centro de estudio ligado a la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CChC), entidad que también es controlador de Habitat- , elaborado en base a datos de la Superintendencia de Pensiones, en enero de 2021 se observaron resultados positivos para todos los multifondos. Los fondos más riesgosos, Tipos A y B, registraron ganancias de 5,41% y 4,88% respectivamente, mientras que el fondo de riesgo moderado, Tipo C, presentó una variación de 3,59%. Por su parte,...

Transition from the informal to the formal economy: Theory of Change

By ILO For enterprises, formalization means bringing them under the regulation with the advantages and obligations that this entails. It includes the extension of the scope of fiscal, labour and social security regulation to all enterprises without exception regarding the size, sector or other criteria, the legal recognition and registration of enterprises and compliance with legal requirements. For independent workers, the fact that their enterprises belong to the formal economy or not determines if they are also in the informal economy...

2020 Global Equity Release Roundtable Survey

By EY In conjunction with the 2020 Global Equity Release Roundtable, representatives from each country attending have been surveyed to understand the details of how equity release markets operate in different countries. This document summarizes the survey responses received. The responses provided have not been verified by EY professionals and simply represents the views of the responders. The information in this pack should not be regarded as comprehensive or sufficient for making decisions, nor should it be used in place...